Country-Level Projects
Transforming the power sector to clean, reliable, and efficient systems requires expert capacity. A hallmark of 21st Century Power Partnership (21CPP) assistance focuses on grid integration studies that demonstrate how electricity systems can be operated with higher levels of variable renewable energy, distributed energy resources, and advanced grid technologies. Other areas of activity include convening multi-stakeholder knowledge exchanges, such as site visits, personnel secondments, moderated web forums, and information databases. The following exchanges will be tailored to support each of the 21CPP's objectives:
- Grid operator exchanges to examine and share information about national and subnational case studies of crosscutting electricity sector transformation (incorporating variable renewables, grid modernization, and efficiency)
- Multi-stakeholder regulatory exchanges to examine case studies of regulatory frameworks developed in response to challenging, crosscutting issues, including integrated regulatory frameworks for key utility sector issues and frameworks to collectively address important consumer issues
- Financial sector exchanges involving policy makers to examine and share information about critical success factors for promoting investment and innovation in grid modernization, efficiency, and clean energy generation.
Access all 21CPP thought leadership publications, other publications, and country-level publications.
Brazil joined 21CPP in mid-2017, and dialogue is currently underway on priorities for collaboration.

China joined the 21CPP in December 2016 and is on a pathway to significantly transform its massive power system. The Power Partnership is working with China National Renewable Energy Center, the Energy Research Institute, State Grid, the Danish Energy Agency, and other government agencies to build capacity for advanced grid modeling, planning, and market design for integration of renewable energy.

Indian leadership has been crucial in the establishment of the foundational capabilities of the 21CPP as well as the realization of opportunities for applied policy implementation. Understanding policy regimes that support and accelerate the transition to clean, smart, efficient, affordable, and reliable electricity will help inform decisions that enable innovative solutions or even disruptive innovations. India has already demonstrated a variety of business model innovations in a range of industries. Its potential to do the same in the power sector is an enormous opportunity. Indian contributions to international knowledge about the legal, regulatory, and business environment have been an integral component of the 21CPP program. In partnership with a variety of other collaborators, the Power Partnership team recently completed a grid integration study of India's power system, which demonstrated that the system can be operated reliably with 175 gigawatts of renewable energy (the country’s target in 2023).

The 21CPP's program in Mexico (21CPP Mexico) is carried out in cooperation with government and local stakeholders, drawing upon an international community of power system expertise. The overall goal of this program is to support Mexico's power system transformation by accelerating the transition to a reliable, financially robust, and low-carbon system. 21CPP Mexico activities focus on achieving positive outcomes for all participants, especially addressing critical questions and challenges facing policymakers, regulators, and system operators. In support of this goal, 21CPP Mexico taps into deep networks of expertise and professional connections.

South Africa
21CPP has commenced a technical assistance program to support the South African central government and the state-owned utility Eskom as the country prepares to integrate unprecedented quantities of renewable energy onto its grid. The Power Partnership, in close collaboration with its network of expert practitioners, is supporting Eskom and the National Energy Regulator of South Africa as they prepare for the rapid transformation of their electric system.